MessengerDiscovery Live 1.5 alevforum MessengerDiscovery Live 1.5 Forum Alev

MessengerDiscovery Live 15 kullanımınıza hazır!
ForumTR üyeleri 5 temmuzu beklemek zorunda değiller
Bu sürümdeki önemli yenilikler; web kamerası görüntüsünü kaydetme, web kamerasından resim çekip görüntü resminiz olarak belirleyebilme ve karşınızdaki kişiye gönderebilme, şifrelenmiş anlık iletiler, iğnelenmiş kişiler, daha estetik uyarı pencereleri, tamamen yenilenmiş arayüz

Ayrıca MessengerDiscovery Live 145 sürümünden bu yana yüzlerce hata giderilmiş ve mevcut özelliklerde iyileştirmeler yapılmıştır

Temiz iyi bir kurulum için Eski MessengerDiscovery Live sürümünü tamamen kaldırın Sonradan yükleyin
Eski sürümdeki aktarım hızı düşüklüğü giderilmiştir
Yapılan tüm değişikliklerin listesi (İngilizce):

Completely brand new Settings interface
- A lot of time has been spent perfecting the new Settings interface.
- Dynamically sized so translations have plenty of room
New Webcam Recording Feature
- Full selection over codec and quality
New Webcam Snapshots Feature
- Take a picture from your webcam and send it to your contact at the click of a button
- Set your display picture as an image from your webcam with the click of a button
Beautiful New Alerts
- Fully skinable
- Supports alpha transparent PNG's for truly beautiful alerts
New Pinned Contacts Feature
- Pin your contacts so that you can see the latest events and their status
Encrypted Messages
- New feature to secure your instant messages
- See who can support encrypted messages (MD required on both ends)
Added support for Windows Live Messenger 9
Redesigned "Add to list" dialog
Introduction of language file version
- Languages files will not load if they are old
New !me command (similar to that of msgplus but doesn't require the contact to have msgdiscovery)
New icon resources for all MD executables.
- Nice alt-tab icon
- Nice dialog icons
- Nice MessengerDiscovery Live.exe icon
- Installer now has a nice looking icon (designed by MMZ)
Moved nick name/psm history log files to the email specific directory rather than MDL install directory
Uninstaller now removes all registry keys created by MD
Display picture Manager:
- Added "delete" button back
- Added 'take picture' button to take a picture from webcam and set it as display pic
- Now fully supports adding multiple display pictures with drag-n-drop
- Clicking on a display picture will now change your display picture to that one
- Removed "Set as display picture" button as it now has no use
- Added support for WLM 9
- Completely new icons
- Fixed "Path not found" bug
- Fixed other numerous bugs
New feature that tells you in a conversation if a contact has deleted you
Alerts no longer have time suffix because they occur at the current time
Removed Messenger Debug from WLM menus
MessengerDiscovery menus in WLM can now be translated
MessengerDiscovery will now remove msgplus bbcode when displaying nick names
Updated contact list manager icons
Updated event log icons
Updated MessengerDiscovery button graphics
- Improved extend/retract icon click ability
Added 'Help' to menus
Improved conversation connection closed alert in conversations
Removed 'Revolving Nickname' feature due to limitations by Messenger rendering this feature pointless
Renamed MessengerDiscoveryToday.exe to MessengerDiscovery Today.exe
Improved !error and !failed to include WLM icon

Removed gap between removed toolbar items in WLM and fixed icons not being properly removed
Fixed 2 serious auto-unblock bugs
Tray menu will not flicker in endless loop anymore
MDL will now quit immediately when closing Messenger
Fixed major !command bug
Fixed MessengerDiscovery not detecting Messenger not being signed out
Auto-unblock feature will now work properly
You can now properly suppress the auto-unblock contact dialog
Fixed many many typos

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