ISBN 0-471-41624-X | 837 pages | PDF | 6.9 MB

The primary objective of this book is to lay a solid foundation from which to explore the world of security. Simply, this book tells the truth about hacking, to bring awareness about the so-called Underground, the hacker�s community, and to provide the tools for doing so.

The difference between this book and other technical manuscripts is that it is written from a hacker�s perspective. The internetworking primers in Parts 1 and 2, coupled with Chapter 6, �The Hacker�s Technology Handbook, will educate you about the technologies required to delve into security and hacking. These chapters can be skimmed if your background is technically sound, and later used as references.
Chapter 01 Understanding Communication Protocols
Chapter 02 NetWare and NetBIOS Technology
Chapter 03 Understanding Communication Mediums
Chapter 04 Well-Known Ports and Their Services
Chapter 05 Discovery and Scanning Techniques
Chapter 06 The Hacker�s Technology Handbook
Chapter 07 Hacker Coding Fundamentals
Chapter 08 Port, Socket, and Service Vulnerability Penetrations
Chapter 09 Gateways and Routers and Internet Server Daemons
Chapter 10 Operating Systems
Chapter 11 Proxies and Firewalls
Chapter 12 TigerSuite: The Complete Internetworking Security Toolbox
Appendix A IP Reference Table and Subnetting Charts
Appendix B Well-Known Ports and Services
Appendix C All-Inclusive Ports and Services
Appendix D Detrimental Ports and Services
Appendix E What�s on the CD

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